
lunch-outings during the work day

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lunch-outings during the work day

What do you do with your lunch hour at work? Do you brown-bag it each day and spend your hour sitting at your desk or in a dreary break-room? You likely have a handful of restaurants around your workplace that can provide you with a quick outing during a busy day. Calling ahead to place your order can help you make a lunch-outing possible during a busy day. My blog is all about your lunch hour. You will find ideas for making the most of those 60 precious minutes and getting a healthy, enjoyable lunch to get you through the day.


Tips For Going To An Oyster Bar For The First Time

You might have a friend that has been trying to get you to go to his or her favorite restaurant for weeks, or you might simply want to try something new. However, when you end up at an oyster bar, you might not know exactly what to do, what to order, or how to even eat the oysters in the first place. Here are some tips for a person who is going to an oyster bar for the first time.

1. Don't Worry About Shucking the Oysters

First, don't stress too much about getting the oysters open. One of the main reasons why people enjoy going to oyster bars is because they get to enjoy the oyster without having to worry about using the oyster knife. Watch the person who is shucking the oysters in case you end up enjoying eating oysters for the first time and will want to try it yourself at home. 

2. Decide Ahead of Time if You're Going to Chew or Swallow it Whole

When you look at the oyster that you're going to put in your mouth, decide ahead of time if you are going to try chewing it or if you are going to swallow it whole. There is no right way to do this because it is merely a matter of personal preference. However, you need to decide what you, personally, are going to do in order to make sure that you don't decide to chew midway through your swallow or vice versa and end up sputtering the oyster back up. If you do that, it could be embarrassing.

The advantage of chewing the oyster is that you get the full flavor. However, you probably don't know if you like the flavor yet. Many new oyster eaters choose to swallow the oyster the first time in order to get a sense of the taste and whether or not they want to chew it.

3. Try Not to Use Condiments for the First One

In order to see if you really like the taste of oyster, try to not use condiments such as cocktail sauce for your first oyster. Eat the oyster without anything on it in order to not have the flavor altered in any way. If you are worried that you won't like the taste, choose the smallest oyster as possible in order to ensure that, even if you don't like it, you won't have to be dealing with too much meat.

For more information, visit an establishment like Flora-Bama Lounge & Oyster Bar.